Saturday, May 7, 2011

Stumbling blocks

     Well, the first few days have not been as easy as I wanted them to be. I've been trying to follow Steve's plan and I feel like I have my own personal food coach. However, I was not ready. This week's lesson - BE PREPARED! Once I got the plan, read it, and read it some more. I decided to start. But, I didn't go to the grocery store or make a dinner list. I thought I could just wing it. On Wednesday, my son received his 12 month immunizations and became feverish. (Which equals = three days of fever and one highly cranky little boy!) It is hard to make good, healthy choices when faced with time crunches, exhaustion, and a limited refrigerator.
     This morning, I sat down at the kitchen table and made a list. I planned out my meals for the next week, including snacks. Shopping was easier because I didn't have to decide do I want this? Do I need this? I bought what was on the list. Now, I have a dinner list on the fridge and the things I need to make it happen! Now that there is a list, perhaps  I'll get lucky when I come home from work and Austin will have dinner waiting??? It's been known to happen!
     The next thing I need to figure out is how to get my "teacher bladder" back since I'm drinking a sea of water!  =)

1 comment:

  1. Sigh it happens, you think it would be common sense to plan ahead and be prepared, but I just keep trying to wing it too, and its not working. So glad you have planned and that will be in your favor! So tell me about this Steve diet?
