Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week 4 is over... I've decided to keep at it!

This week was a hard week for me. I felt unmotivated to exercise and truly struggled with the eating. On Tuesday, we had to drive to Clinton SC for a visitation service for Austin's cousin. We were tired and it was almost ten o'clock when we finally got home. McDonalds was the only restaurant on that stretch of I26 so I had two hamburgers and fries. NOT ON THE PLAN. Thursday, I got it in my head that I had to have skittles. After fighting the urge all day, Austin went and bought me a bag that night. Friday, while at the grocery, I bought another bag of skittles and worked on them Friday and Saturday. Last night, my friend came over for a game of canasta and I drank two glasses of wine (ANOTHER NO-NO!) I feel bloated and my skin is breaking out... we know what that means! I also found it very hard to prepare for four meals a day, which I think is important to keep your body from storing.

This morning when I weighed in, it was with dread! To my amazement, I lost 6/10s of a pound. I was fearful of gaining ten pounds! So while I wasn't happy that I had not lost but a smidge of weight, it was better than the alternative.

I must get moving. Any ideas? Let me know!

Weight: 240.2 lbs (-11.8) 
Waist : 40 inches (-5)
L arm: 15.0 inches (-.5)
R arm: 15.0 inches (-.5)
L thigh: 29 inches (-3)
R thigh: 29 inches (-3)
Bra size: 40DD (Yeah! Now to vanish the cups!!!)
Mood: Determined!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Update on the road to weight loss...

I've just finished my third week on the 4HB program. I'm overwhelmed with work and other things in my life, but I wanted to post my stats for this week. I will say, even with all the stress, it has been very easy to stay on the plan. I did go roller skating with the youth from church. It's a workout, but I enjoy it so much. Hoping to do that again soon. So here's to another successful week on the journey! Goal for the week (again) is to get some regular exercise. Someone told me that teacher's are doomed to be fat. It's considered the fat profession. Wow. I get it though because you spend so much time caring for everyone else and not yourself. Well, I'm planning to change that in my life. Ready to start week 4. 

Weight: 240.8 lbs (-11.2) 
Waist : 42 inches (-3)
L arm: 15.0 inches (-.5)
R arm: 15.0 inches (-.5)
L thigh: 30.5 inches (-1.5)
R thigh: 30.5 inches (-1.5)
Bra size: 40DD (Yeah! Now to vanish the cups!!!)
Mood: Exhausted. Overwhelmed. Prayerful. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week 2 of 4HB

I've just ended week 2 of 4HB. It proved to be another trying week with the first day of school rapidly approaching. I have found myself questioning myself a lot this week and missing my family terribly. So while my spirits have not been the best, I did find that the diet was not a part of the problem. I continue to enjoy the food and don't feel hungry. After last Sunday's cheat day, I became worried and weighed myself obsessively. By Wednesday the scale was back to where I was before cheat day. By this morning I was down an additional 2 pounds. The book warns to not get on and off the scale, because the weight will fluctuate when you spike your calories. (Why must I learn everything the hard and not do well at taking the advice of others? I may never know.)

So, the long and short of it... I can eat the food, I don't feel hungry, I love cheat day, I wish the weightloss this week was as much as last week, BUT I lost two more pounds!

Getting ready for my kids tomorrow... signing out.  =)

Weight: 242.3 lbs (-9.7) 
Waist : 42 inches (-3)
L arm: 15.0 inches (-.5)
R arm: 15.0 inches (-.5)
L thigh: 30.5 inches (-1.5)
R thigh: 30.5 inches (-1.5)
Bra size: 42DD
Mood: Bitter sweet, summer is over & school kids are coming!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Woot woot!!! Week 1 and 8 pounds down!

I woke up this morning for weigh in. Whew! I was so excited! 8 pounds lost in the first week! I couldn't believe my eyes. So far, I'm a fan of 4HB. I have ate well this past week. I even felt like I was eating too much food. I never felt hungry! I've lost 8 pounds and even started my period! (The ladies know what I'm getting at.) 

Sundays are my cheat days. So I ate a normal breakfast. Then I enjoyed a banana with my son. (Fruit is forbidden the other six days of the week.) I was hoping to really live it up and eat some of Trace's birthday cake, but life happens and plans change. I spent all day in the hospital with my granny. I had to keep my splurging to a minimum. But I helped Elijah Drake eat some pizza and had a slice of hospital cheesecake. My biggest disappointment today was that The Pizza Palace isn't open on Sundays. All week, I had been planning my cheat day and the big fat Greek salad covered in feta cheese I was going to eat! =( I'm going to have to find an excellent, Greek salad serving, restaurant open on Sundays for cheat day! Any suggestions? 

On a side note, Granny is going to be okay. She has atrial fib and they are going to shock her heart in the morning. Hopefully that will keep it back in rhythm for at least a year. The last time they shocked her heart it lasted for 18 months. 

My second side note: As I am working to recreate my body and bring back its earlier luster,I am also working on my inner beauty. A friend of mine suggested I read The Power of a Praying Wife. I'm only into the first chapter but already feel inspired to be a better, more prayerful wife. I'm suggesting it to you if you feel you might need to work on your prayer life. 

I'm looking forward to starting work tomorrow and another great week! 

Weight: 244.2 lbs (-8) 
Waist : 43 inches (-3)
L arm: 15.0 inches (-.5)
R arm: 15.0 inches (-.5)
L thigh: 31 inches (-1)
R thigh: 31 inches (-1)
Bra size: 42DD
Mood: So excited about the weight & a little nervous for Granny. 

Monday, August 1, 2011

4HB Day 1

Today I decided to get back on the wagon! My one reader (Thanks Milner!) will recall my depression and angst over not losing the 95 pounds I gained during pregnancy when Ashton was born! (Can we say delusional?) I've been reading a new book The 4 Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman by Timothy Ferriss. I have found the reviews mixed, but the diet itself seems sustainable to me. So I am committing to four weeks to try it out. Today is day 1. What I like about today is I haven't felt hungry, I cooked a dinner my family could eat, and I enjoyed the food. I weighed in this morning at my highest weight ever (except for pregnancy)! This evening my husband took my measurements based on the guidelines from the book. My weigh in / measurement days will be Saturdays and my cheat day will be Sundays.

If you are interested in finding out more, check out the blog

Wish me luck!

Weight: 252 lbs
Waist : 45 inches
L arm: 15.5 inches
R arm: 15.5 inches
L thigh: 32 inches
R thigh: 32 inches
Bra size: 42DD
Mood: Hopeful and encouraged!