Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week 4 is over... I've decided to keep at it!

This week was a hard week for me. I felt unmotivated to exercise and truly struggled with the eating. On Tuesday, we had to drive to Clinton SC for a visitation service for Austin's cousin. We were tired and it was almost ten o'clock when we finally got home. McDonalds was the only restaurant on that stretch of I26 so I had two hamburgers and fries. NOT ON THE PLAN. Thursday, I got it in my head that I had to have skittles. After fighting the urge all day, Austin went and bought me a bag that night. Friday, while at the grocery, I bought another bag of skittles and worked on them Friday and Saturday. Last night, my friend came over for a game of canasta and I drank two glasses of wine (ANOTHER NO-NO!) I feel bloated and my skin is breaking out... we know what that means! I also found it very hard to prepare for four meals a day, which I think is important to keep your body from storing.

This morning when I weighed in, it was with dread! To my amazement, I lost 6/10s of a pound. I was fearful of gaining ten pounds! So while I wasn't happy that I had not lost but a smidge of weight, it was better than the alternative.

I must get moving. Any ideas? Let me know!

Weight: 240.2 lbs (-11.8) 
Waist : 40 inches (-5)
L arm: 15.0 inches (-.5)
R arm: 15.0 inches (-.5)
L thigh: 29 inches (-3)
R thigh: 29 inches (-3)
Bra size: 40DD (Yeah! Now to vanish the cups!!!)
Mood: Determined!

1 comment:

  1. I love love LOVE these bike pedals i got from Wal Mart that have their own stand. You can sit and pedal in ANY chair and its the equivalent of a stationary bike without the bulk and still good cardio to get in while you are sitting and reading, on the computer or just watching tv! You should check it out! And congrats! You are doing well chick! love you!
